Gail Bennett, who was so good as Eliza Doolittle in the superb revival of "My Fair Lady" that I saw in Ogunquit two summers ago, is equally pleasing as Maria von Trapp—she sings as well as Julie Andrews—Terry Teachout- Wall Street Journal
Gail Bennett (Ginger) played the other ingénue, and was just a step above the rest of the ensemble; her dancing was the sharpest, her singing was the finest, and her interpretation of the songs she sang were the most compelling. -Jesse David Corti, Stage and Cinema (I Love A Piano)
Gail Bennett is positively luminous as the mysterious, no-nonsense nanny whose loving determination and carpetbag full of tricks bring joy back into the lives of the regimented Banks family. With a whimsical smile and a knowing twinkle in her eye, Bennett's Mary is both frustrating and fascinating to the children Jane and Michael and their parents George and Winifred. Bennett tempers Mary's matter-of-fact self-confidence with a hint of tender playfulness, rendering her ego and eccentricities simultaneously infuriating and utterly charming. Her wit and wisdom are thoroughly disarming. She may as well hand out business cards that read, "Resistance is futile." Jan Nargi, Broadwayworld
It's hard to imagine anyone topping Bennett and Sark as the leading man and lady of both "versions" of "Drowsy Chaperone." Sark has an easy-to-take persona and a pleasing tenor. Bennett is superb as the quintessential flapper-girl/ingenue, handling some of the evening's most demanding dance numbers with ease and aplomb.- Eric Marchese, Orange County Register
Betty Schaefer, an outstanding Gail Bennett who really makes something of this thankless part. She reminded me of a young Emily Skinner whom I adore. -Oscar E. Moore “from the rear mezzanine” for Talk Entertainment.com (Sunset Boulevard)
whose leading lady is the enchanting Bennett, returning to SoCal stages following her delightful debut in 3-D’s The Drowsy Chaperone a couple years back. The duo shine in duets “Love And The Weather” and “Count Your Blessings Instead Of Sheep” and singing in counterpoint “Love, You Didn’t Do Right By Me” and “How Deep Is The Ocean.” That they have great chemistry is icing on the cake.
-Steven Stanley, stage scene LA
Gail Bennett sparkles as Janet, the ingenue, especially in what is arguably the show’s best song, “Show Off.” -Jordan Young, Examiner
Gail Bennett stars as the “practically perfect” governess.It seems second nature to her.
Bennett resembles Julie Andrews, who originated the role in the 1964 film. Like Andrews, she has an extraordinary vocal range, a spring in her straight-backed step and a mischievous twinkle in her eye. - April Boyle of the Portland Herald Press
Gail Bennett is the fetching Eliza, rough as a Cockney cob before intermission and entrancingly lovely afterward- Terry Teachout Wall street Journal
Gail Bennett plays Maria and she is a superb continuance of the role played by Shirley Jones, Debby Boone, Marie Osmond and recently Rebecca Luker in the 1998 revival.
-Joe Sheehan. Seacoast online
Davis Gaines is well matched by Bennett's Marian. Tall and a bit patrician with a head of red curls (the Paroos, we're reminded, are Irish), Bennett takes Marian the Librarian from steely spinster to besotted Hill defender without making the transformation seem jarring. And, to borrow a phrase from Zaneeta Shinn, Ye Gods! can Bennett sing — the sustained note at the end of "My White Knight" is a feat. - Evan Henerson, Theatermania